
Centre of Innovation for IoT/M2M: Industry Collaboration Application Form

Applications form for Startups, interested in collaborating with C-DOT, for Standards Compliant IoT Applications

Opportunity for oneM2M based IoT Application Developers

Indian organisations (including startups) working in the area of IoT/M2M and interested in collaborating with C-DOT for the development of oneM2M standards compliant applications may fill in the following form. Organisations found suitable would be granted access to C-DOT's oneM2M Standards Compliant IoT Platform-CCSP using which they can develop and test their oneM2M compliant Application. A Non-Disclosure Agreement would be signed with each Startup selected for this collaboration. Further details are available at
Name of the Organisation *
Please fill out valid Oragnisation name.
Email Address (to be used for further communication) *
Please fill out valid Oragnisation email.
Month and Year of Incorporation *
Please fill out incorportaion year.
Registered Office Address *
Please fill out valid office address.
State *
Please fill out office state.
Country *
Please fill out office country.
Pin-Code *
Please fill out valid office pincode.
Organisation's Website
Please fill out website link (with http or https).
Number of Employees *

Please select one option
Did you know about oneM2M before? *

Please select one option
If the answer to the above question is yes, then please let us know whether you have developed any application based on oneM2M? *

Please select one option
Please describe in maximum 500 characters
Are you a startup? *

Please select one option
Please fill out number of partners/owners in digits.
Name of the Primary Collaborator (i.e. Primary contact person responsible for collaboration) *
Please fill out valid primary owner name.
Mobile Number of the Primary Collaborator *
Please fill out valid primary owner mobile.
Official E-Mail Address of the Primary Collaborator *
Please fill out valid primary owner Email.
If there are more owners/partners, then kindly upload a separate excel sheet containing the name, mobile number and email address of all of them
File should be in excel, not more than 1 MB.

Area of Work

Kindly furnish details about the work carried out in your startup in the following section
Name the domain/vertical industry you are catering to (Check all that apply) *

Please check atleast one.
Please upload PPT/PDF/DOCX file giving details about the application(s)/solution(s) developed (Max size 2.5 MB) *
Please upload your solution(s) file.
Have you deployed your solution in the field ? *

Please select one option
Give a brief writeup/presentation about your organisation; indicating your mission and vision, business model and how collaboration with C-DOT can be beneficial for the country as well as for each individual organisation. (Max size 2.5 MB) *
Please upload brief summary presentation.